Preslee Asay

Hometown: Windsor, Colorado
Age: 16 years old

Sponsored By: PFC USA

Preslee is a 16-year-old sophomore at Williamsburg Academy of Colorado, participating in a remote homeschool program. She thrives in the self-paced learning environment, which suits her perfectly as she has always been in a hurry—starting life at 31 weeks, 2 months early, and never slowing down.

As a big sister to two younger brothers, Preslee loves spending time with her family, especially on trips. She is dedicated to her education, earning good grades and honor roll status, and prides herself on being punctual and responsible. Preslee is also a leader in her church's youth organization and is very active in her faith community.

Fascinated by all things medical, Preslee aspires to be a doctor, therapist, or child life specialist. Her personal experiences with therapy have inspired her to help others facing similar challenges. As an advocate for herself and the special needs community, she aims to make the world more accessible.

In her free time, Preslee enjoys online research and watching surgeries. Diagnosed with spastic cerebral palsy at birth, she is passionate about the color pink, evident in her hot pink wheelchair, pink car, and pink-themed room. She loves meeting new people and hearing their stories, so don't hesitate to chat with her if you see her around!