Caspian Cole

Hometown: Greeley, Colorado
Age: 3 years old
Sponsored by: UCHealth

Caspian Cole, a vibrant 3 year old hailing from Greeley, Colorado, has been called one of the most engaging children on the planet.  He loves music and never misses an opportunity to sing along to whatever song is playing.  He is quite the dancer, too, showing us all how to relax and enjoy going with the flow.

His favorite channel on YouTube is Seeds Family Worship. He knows all the hand motions to the songs, and I often find him dancing to the music in his head long after the song is over.  He is brave and strong as an ox, recently battling Leukemia and completing six, month-long rounds of chemotherapy at Children's Hospital of Colorado.  He was a shining light of hope within the hospital walls, bringing joy to the many employees and patients he came in contact with every day. We are overwhelmed with gratitude that he was declared cancer free in April, and are enjoying watching his hair grow back, pounds pack on, and physical milestones achieved.

Like most three year olds, Caspian enjoys regaling us with his A,B,Cs, colors, and numbers, with the extra bonus of knowing all the American Sign Language signs for them. We stopped counting signs after about 100, he knows more signs that we do now, from watching one of his favorite shows, Signing Time with Alex and Leah.

Caspian inspires everyone around him to look on the bright side, to not give in to fear, to greet each day with a smile and hope in your heart.

He was gifted with an extra chromosome in every cell of his body, something we call Down syndrome, yet that doesn't hold him down. If anything, he reminds us to look up, with a heart full of thankfulness for life's many blessings.