Kinsey Gangestad

Hometown: Windsor, Colorado
Age: 13 years old

Sponsored by: Red Hawk Roofing

Kinsey Gangestad's family considers her a true miracle as she has been defying the odds her entire life. She was born with Trisomy 18, a chromosome abnormality that is typically considered "incompatible with life" and was given a few months to live. Kinsey has faced many health challenges and obstacles over the years, but at 13 years old, she is thriving and living her best life. She is currently an 8th grader attending Lesher Middle School in Fort Collins.

Kinsey is stubborn and determined (traits that have no doubt helped her to survive), as well as joyful, helpful, and caring.  She is non-verbal, but has no trouble getting her wishes met! She loves animals of all kinds, babies and little kids, playing with stickers and baby dolls, and watching slapstick comedy. She has the best laugh that is totally infectious and will make everyone giggle along with her.

Kinsey is an adrenaline junky who loves roller coasters, riding around in the family's electric go-kart and anything that involves going fast! She is also an avid water lover and enjoys swimming and splashing as much as possible.