Quinn Kantor

Hometown: Fort Collins, Colorado
Age: 4 years old
Sponsored by: Brannen Homes

Quinn Kantor is a spunky 4 year old who attends preschool and lives in Fort Collins, Colorado with her two brothers Hayes and Noah, Cat, an Au Pair from Italy, two dogs, and her parents AJ and Emily Kantor.

Quinn is fiercely independent and when she sets her mind on something so won't give up until she accomplishes her goal. Alongside Quinn's independence are two of her biggest cheerleaders, her two brothers Noah and Hayes. Quinn has her whole extended family wrapped around her tiny little finger. We often refer to her as our "North Star".

Quinn loves going on adventures with her family. She loves a good dance party (she is a Swifty) and has some great dance moves!

Quinn is extremely empathetic and can read the emotions of others very quickly and easily. If you are hurt, she is hurt right alongside you. She will give long hugs, kisses, bandaids and tell you "it's okay". She will blow kisses to every stranger at Target and make a bubbly scene walking into her therapy sessions as if she owns the place. It's hard to have a bad day when you are around Quinn.

Quinn's parents learned about her Down Syndrome Diagnosis around 12 weeks prenatal. They quickly realized how amazing their life would be. Even after 5 years of loving Quinn, they can wholeheartedly say there is nothing Down about it!