Rickie Mitchell

Hometown: Windsor, Colorado
Age: 8 years old

Sponsored by: LSI Insurance Agency

Rickie is 8 years old and getting ready to start 2nd grade at Tozer Primary School.  Rickie is a “joy-bomb” and the light that shines from her is something that covers everyone she meets and does not dim.  She loves any opportunity to meet new people and make friends and will reach out to hold hands with someone everywhere she goes.  Rickie loves to sing and clap and loves music with a good deep beat.  She loves worship music and on Sundays is found in front of the stage dancing with the teachers and pastors at Northern Colorado Cowboy Church.

She is an adrenaline junkie!  She is waiting for the day she is tall enough to ride the big rides at Disney so she can be in front of every line. She loves baseball and softball and some of her favorite places to spend time are at Coors or Wrigley Field (the Cubs broke their World Series curse the year she was born so we are all convinced her birth was the good luck charm they needed – GO CUBS GO).  Rickie loves to swim and splash and hopes someday to be a mermaid so she can swim in the ocean every day.  Rickie has a rare condition called Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome so all the people around us are considered part of Rickies “Wolf-Pack”.  Rickie has the most incredible “pack”!